Cool Charities Unlocking Doors Through Education

They say that education is a way out of poverty; Joe Issa says it is the only way out. “It enables entry into the labour market or business at a higher level and offers more pay and greater freedom to choose, the better the quality.”

Joey 14
Joseph “Joey” Issa

Moreover, he, more than most should know the value of a good education having attended the best schools and universities; that is why Issa has focused on education in giving back to society.

Issa’s approach is two-pronged: His Cool Charity provides scholarships for bright children to attend a top university while enabling the disadvantaged group to catch on by improving their learning environment with books, collateral material, cupboards and air condition units.

The two-prong approach to giving back to education has been hailed a strategic one with elements of sustainability, by addressing the disadvantages early and giving affected children a fighting chance to become future scholarship candidates.

It was Nelson Mandela who once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” and he used it effectively to change many things throughout the globe, some while in jail and many on the outside, as President of South Africa.

Martin Luther King Jr

Another famous figure, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. put it this way: “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” The civil rights leader delivered the famous speech “I have a dream” at a rally in Washington D.C.

However, it was George Washington Carver who, like Issa, spoke of the beauty of education in giving people more choices when he said, “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”


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